MAINTAINING DELTA AGRICULTURE: Strategy 6b: Prioritize invasive weed targets for Delta-wide eradication
Brief Description:
The strategy would provide technical assistance to inventory infestations of target invasive plant species and prioritize them for eradication Delta-wide.  

This strategy, in concert with Strategy 6A, would complement the efforts of the Department of Boating and Waterways by addressing additional terrestrial invasive plant species that are problematic for agriculture, and often for native vegetation communities as well.

For more on this Strategy, click the following link:

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1) How do you feel about this statement: This is a strategy Delta Farmers might find helpful.
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2) How would you improve it?
3) Reasons why you think it would not work (particularly if you have  on the ground examples)
4) If you can suggest a person or organization to contact for further information, please provide the information below.
5) If you have suggestions related to this strategy or an alternative approach, please help us by providing details. The following questions are intended to prompt you for information we think is important, but please feel free to add anything we may have overlooked and that you think might be important for us to understand and develop a meaningful strategy.
5a) Please describe the Farmer's role
5b) Please describe how an agency might fit into this strategy or how they might help
5c) Please list any similar operations or success stories currently in place, and if possible, contact information
6) Please check all that apply:
7)  Contact Information (Optional)
Would you like to discuss this strategy or other related topics with the DWR BDCP Agricultural Land Stewardship Workgroup?  Please include a way to contact you (name, e-mail address, phone number, mailing address).
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