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Newslaundry is a subscription-driven, media critique and independent news organisation. 

From making journalism ad-free to making it a grid of resources, we are now trying to change how a news organisation attends to its infrastructural and logistical needs.

This form is to collect the basic detail from you so our reporters and editors can contact you for the help you are offering.

Name *
Email address *
Phone Number *
Designation *
Where are you based out of? *
Address *
What is it that you are offering? *
Can you briefly elaborate on the resources you can provide? *
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Necessary disclosures
I confirm that I have no current political affiliation or immediate contacts with any political party.
I understand that reporters will not disclose a story to me and I will not ask them to do so *
I confirm that I would not exert any editorial influence on the story.
I confirm that I am doing this purely for the benefit of news and the story would be independent of any bias.
All disclosures that I have made are truth in my knowledge, if there is any change moving forward, I will inform the concerned individuals before hand. *
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