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Welcome to the DREAM team.  First we need to collect some information to get you started with our exclusive DREAM team membership.   This membership offers special perks plus full access to participate in our programming for those in the community with special needs and their siblings. The membership also offers added benefits and perks to DSACNJ members.  See full DREAM team information flyer for details of membership.
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Last name *
First Name *
Date of birth *
Full Address *
Phone Number *
Email address for invoice and communications *
T-shirt size *
Do you have Down syndrome? *
Does this member have any special needs?  Tell us more so we can best accommodate programming or suggest programs. *
Are you a sibling of someone with special needs who is participating in our programs?  *
What are you most excited for at Club DREAMS? *
Ideas/Suggestions/other thoughts? *
Payment plan option (you will receive an invoice through quickbooks which can be paid my check to DSACNJ, venmo, paypal, or credit). *
Date starting membership *
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