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ESN University of Warsaw Mentor Programme for Erasmus students, summer edition 2020/21
This application form is dedicated to the exchange students who are going to study at University of Warsaw, STARTING FEBRUARY. If you're going to other university in Warsaw, please check whether it has its own mentor programme  (Masovian Voivodeship).

The Erasmus Student Network at University of Warsaw runs a Mentor Programme which helps international students to acclimatize in the new social and academic environment. This includes assistance in finding a flat and registration for courses, integration with other international and Polish students, organizing trips and other activities.

Please, keep in mind that you won't get your Mentor immediately - the matching process will start in January.

If you have any further question, don't hesitate to write to
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Name and surname *
Sex *
Age *
Nationality *
Field of studies *
Home University - the university you are coming from
Declaration of disability - If yes, please fill the answer what kind of disability *
Date of your arrival in Warsaw - If you're not sure about it yet, please just write an approximate date *
Your language skills - Please shortly inform about which languages do you speak and on which level
Email address *
Facebook account (only link to your account) *
Would you like to receive newsletter with all events organised by ESN? *
Any of your requests, commentary etc. - If you don't have any requests, please say something about yourself or anything else which can be helpful for your future mentor :)
If you don't have any requests, please say something about yourself or anything else which can be helpful for your future mentor :) *
Thank you for filling out the survey! See you soon in Warsaw!
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