The American Presidency - Registration for Schools
Are you ready to sign up your school to participate in The Free Library's citywide presidential election? Fill out the form below.
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Contact Info
Provide us with basic information so we can be in touch with all of the necessary materials!
Teacher Sponsor Name *
Teacher Sponsor E-mail Address *
Teacher Sponsor Phone Number *
School Name *
School Address *
School Phone # *
School Principal Name *
Student Organizer #1 Name *
Student Organizer #1 E-mail Address *
Student Organizer #2 Name
Student Organizer #2 E-mail Address
By checking the form below, you agree to the rules and regulations of the competition, which include submitting authentic voter registration forms for every student that successfully completes one. Any schools that attempt to register students to vote without having them fill out the registration form will be disqualified from the competition.
One More Thing!
In order to successfully register, you must also send an electronic copy of your school's most recent student roster list to The Free Library. (They will then create a private online database for your student organizers to keep track of voter registration.) Please be aware that you will not be included in the competition until this roster is sent to
Thank you for signing up!
Your instruction packet will be sent out in September. Voter registration opens October 5th and closes November 1st, with the vote happening on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th. Mark your calendars now!
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