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Netroots Nation '24 Baltimore - Volunteer Sign Up
Netroots Nation simply could not happen without contributions of time and expertise from awesome volunteers just like you.  We'll be in-person in 2024 from July 11-13 at the Baltimore Convention Center (with some volunteer shifts on July 10th to get set up).  

Similar to years previous, we'll have roles this year for:
 - Reg Desk volunteers
 - Setup of, and swag bag & T-shirt distributors at, the Netroots Nation booth in the exhibit hall
 - Roving helpers in the hallways
 - Utility infielders to handle whatever else comes up

Many of the details are still in progress, of course, but if you're here ... you're obviously interested in volunteering. (Which means you're awesome and we love you for that!) So please fill out the form below, and then pay close attention to your email for further instructions coming from  THANKS!!!

Please note that by signing up to volunteer, you are NOT automatically registered for the conference itself -- you'll need to do that separately, here: .  (If you're looking for a conference registration discount in exchange for volunteer shifts worked, please be sure to sign up for two or more shifts below, and then reply to the confirmation email you'll receive.)

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Best email address for you? *
Best phone number to reach you? *
Do you live in or near Baltimore? *
Are you vaccinated against COVID-19? *
How many shifts (typically, 2.75 - 3.5 hours each) do you think you can commit to during the conference? *
Some of our volunteer roles, like the registration desk, are mostly sitting.  Others, such as Hall Rovers, involve a good bit of standing and walking around.  Do you have a preference?
What's your t-shirt size preference?
Any previous volunteer experience or special skills you can share with us?
Please check off the ways in which you might be able to help out as a volunteer.
Last but not least!
Thank you so much for volunteering with Netroots Nation. Your contributions make every hour of this event possible. We couldn't possibly do it without the incredible help of our even more incredible volunteers.

Thank you and we're so excited to work with all of you in Baltimore!

talk to you soon,

Will Easton
Volunteer Coordinator

Questions?  Please email me at -- thanks!
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