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Parenting for Positive Self-Worth: Training based on Trust-based Relational Intervention (virtual)
When: Mondays February 3rd - March 10, March 31, April 7,  6-8pm Pacific Time, or 8-10 PM Central 
Where:  Zoom link to be sent out via email
Book fee: $25 Scholarships available upon request

Contact: Melissa Burdett at 503.332.1482 or at
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Email address *
Name of Co-Parent or Spouse *
State of residence *
Children - First Name, Gender, Age, bio/foster/adopt
i.e. Peter, male, 5, adopt
How did you hear about us? *
Have you had any previous training in TBRI? *
Thank you for registering! We can't wait to start this journey with you!
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