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BBMRI.QM TRAINING & EDUCATION PROGRAMME                                                                  on the pre-analytical standards relevant for biomedical research and biobanking: FT, FFPE, VWB
The BBMRI.QM team provided in cooperation with the H2020 project SPIDIA4P GA 733112, an in-depth training on the ISO standards for molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations - specifications for pre-examination processes:

With filling out this document you are completing the first step of your registration to receive recording links of the following webinars:

6 Oct 2020 - General considerations of all standards (FT, FFPE, VWB)

8 - 22 Oct 2020 - Frozen tissue (FT):
Isolated RNA, 20184-1
Isolated proteins, 20184-2

27 Oct - 12 Nov 2020 - Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE):
Isolated RNA, 20166-1
Isolated proteins, 20166-2
Isolated DNA, 20166-3

19 Jan - 2 Feb 2021- Venous whole blood (VWB):
Isolated cellular RNA, 20186-1
Isolated genomic DNA, 20186-2
Isolated circulating cell free DNA from plasma, 20186-3

This BBMRI.QM training & education programme was presented as a virtual training, split into 16 sessions in which the individual chapters of the standards were discussed. Renowned experts gave comprehensive presentations on requirements, definitions and practical applications.

For further questions about this web conference series (mandatory requirements, registration and more), please feel free to contact

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The information contained in the presentations of the training & education programme is proprietary and confidential to BBMRI-ERIC. Please note that any circulation or reproduction is not permitted and such actions maybe cause for legal action to be instigated against both the recipient and those shared with by BBMRI-ERIC. By clicking in the "I agree" box you will confirm that you have read the above disclaimer in full and have accepted its contents. *
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Please take one of the 20184 ISO standards (FT) mentioned above and answer the following question:  To which ISO standard does the sublause 5.1.1  refer to? (the correct answer is a 5-digit number) *
Please take one of the 20166 ISO standards (FFPE) mentioned above and answer the following question: How many subitems are listed under subclause 5.1.3? (the correct answer is a 1-digit number) *
Please take one of the 20186 ISO standards (VWB) mentioned above and answer the following question: What is the last word in subclause (the correct answer is a word with 7 letters) *
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