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Avarice Host Application
Avarice is a place where Rock and most any genre can be heard. The venue is set up for your enjoyment without moderate rating restrictions. Why? Because Adults need a place to listen to great Tunes without rules to tell them how to do it.!

The crowd is friendly and a dance hud is provided for you so you don't have to worry about how to swing those sexy pixels.

Need a new scene? Yeah you do. Come on over to Avarice.
★ You will keep 100% of all tips earned.

★ Hosts must be at least 3 months/90 days old.

★ We are an Adult Club so Adult activites or situations may be seen. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
SL Legacy Name *
Display Name
SL Birthday?  (MUST be 90 days or older)
What languages do you speak?  (We are primarily an English speaking club so some English is helpful)
What Time Zone are you on (SLT +) ? *
Do you have any hosting experience?  If so how long? *
Where have you Hosted previously? (Club names)
What qualities do you think you bring to the Avarice as a host? *
The club goes quiet... What do you do to try to get people to interact and talk?  *
There is someone who starts drama/trouble into local chat... What do you do as a Host to diffuse the situation? *
Do you have Discord? (We use Discord for call outs and covers)
How did you hear about Avarice?
PLEASE LIST BELOW THE HOURS YOU ARE AVAILABLE TO WORK (more hours will open in the future)
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