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Blacklight Community Survey
24 responses
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Which best describes your organization?
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How many Blacklight apps do you run?
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What is the purpose of your Blacklight app(s)?
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Do you host digital content in your Blacklight app(s)?
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What kinds of media/metadata do your Blacklight app(s) include?
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What is the highest version of BLACKLIGHT that you currently run in a Blacklight app?
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What is the lowest version of BLACKLIGHT that you currently run in a Blacklight app?
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Have you ever upgraded a Blacklight app accross a major Blacklight version?
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What is the highest version of RAILS that you currently run in a Blacklight app?
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What is the lowest version of RAILS that you currently run in a Blacklight app?
No responses yet for this question.
Have you ever hired a third party vendor or contractor to install, configure, or develop a Blacklight app?
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What is the lowest version of SOLR you currently run with a Blacklight app?
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Do you use any Blacklight add-ons?
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Does your app include locally-developed custom features?
No responses yet for this question.
What aspects of Blacklight do you find most useful, with regard to developing or maintaining a Blacklight app?
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What aspects of Blacklight do you find most challenging, with regard to developing or maintaining a Blacklight app?
No responses yet for this question.
What would you like to see added to Blacklight?
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How happy/satisfied are you with Blacklight?
No responses yet for this question.
Would you like to share URLs to any of your deployed BL apps, or any public BL app source code repositories you have?
No responses yet for this question.
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