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Solo Play Alpha Feedback
After playing your test game, please fill in this report. Please only fill in one report per group!
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Group Name (Optional)
Rules Version Number *
How many players participated? *
Player Faction: *
Player Squadron Ships: *
Enemy Faction *
Enemy Ships: *
How did the game end? *
Game Length (Rounds) *
Game Length (Time) *
Give a brief summary of the game. How did it go? Were there any common trends or major moments you want to report? *
[Game Balance] With a "1" being "extremely in the Player squadron's favor" and a "5" being "extremely in the Enemy squadron's favor," how even did the game feel  during play?  (Regardless of its outcome.) *
In the Player squadron's favor
In the Enemy squadron's favor
[Solo Rules] With a "1" being "not challenging" and a "5" being "very challenging," how difficult was it to fly against the Enemy ships? *
The Enemy ships were not challenging to fly against.
The Enemy ships were very challenging to fly against.
[Solo Rules] With a "1" being "very poorly" and a "5" being "very well," how well do you feel the Solo rules flew the enemy ships?  (Compared to how well a player might have?) *
The Solo rules flew ships very poorly.
The Solo rules flew ships very well.
[Solo Rules] With a "1" being "very difficult" and a "5" being "very easy," how easy were the Solo rules to understand and use? *
The Solo rules were very difficult to understand and use.
The Solo rules were very easy to understand and use.
Were there any situations you were unsure how to resolve? If so, please elaborate?
Overall, did you enjoy the solo game?
What was your favorite aspect of the solo game?
What was your least favorite aspect of the solo game?
If you were playing another solo game, what would you do differently?
Do you have any additional comments?
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