Bearbeitungszugriff anfordern
East Zone Synchro email & contact list
Goal is to update the zone email list, and to make sure the club contacts are up to date. 
Thank you for your help in this project!
Questions can be sent to the zone secretary,
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Given name (first name) *
Family name (last name) *
Nickname, if any
I consent to have the information I share in this survey shared with the East Zone Synchro membership, and that it may be made available for public view on the East Zone Synchro website.  *
Phone number
Your club/team affiliation *
If you answered "Other" in the club affiliation question, please provide details here.
What is your position on your club? You may choose more than one option. *
Do you have a position on your Association Board?
Are you a USA Artistic Swimming official? If so, please select your level.
Auswahl löschen
Are you a Grade Level assessor? If so, please select your level.
Auswahl löschen
I would like to unsubscribe from the East Zone Synchro email list, change my club affiliationchange my club position, or change my other information since the last time I filled out this survey (check all that apply)
Are you the official club representative (main contact) for an artistic swimming club? *
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