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Hack Covid | African Hackathon | Application Form

Hackathon's have become Africa’s collaborative platform to bring solutions to issues currently faced on the continent.  

How can we best visualize covid funds and vaccination data from African countries?

Dates: 22 -  28 March 2021

The Hackathon is open to you Africans between the ages of 18 -35.
Participation is open to individuals and teams
Teams should be limited to 3 individuals
Teams should have atleast 1 female member

Selected participants will be given data sets and access to our API to help develop the solution

Full Name
Email *
Phone number *
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Team members Names and Age
Do you have reliable access to the internet?
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Why do you want to participate in the hackathon?
Skills *
First and last name
Describe the skill sets you/ your team members have
What tech projects have you worked on? Share links
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