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NCAHS Alumni Transcript Request
Please note the following:
-  Transcript may be released to college/universities, technical schools, military, employers, unions, scholarship sources or other organizations per student request.
-  FERPA Law does not allow the release of any student information without written consent of the former student.
-  This release will not include other school records or standardized test scores (Contact CollegeBoard for  SAT/ACT scores.)
-  It may take up to a week for your request to be fulfilled.
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Email *
Name of Student: First | Middle | Last *
Maiden Name/Name in High School (if applicable)
Date of Birth *
Year of Graduation *
Your Mailing Address (if requesting transcript to be sent there)
Your Phone Number
Mail official transcript to the following address(es); include school/organization name, street, city, state, zip OR email to the following email address(es):
Electronic Signature: by entering your full name you grant permission for NCAHS to release your transcript as indicated. *
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