Registration for Jump Start Blackboard Certification
Dear faculty,
If you are new to MCC, or have been teaching for a while but are not yet certified to use Blackboard at MCC, we hope we can encourage you to join your colleagues and “Jump Start” to Blackboard!  You can take advantage of (and register for) our fully online Level 1 certification course and start to use Blackboard to supplement your face-to-face courses.

Top 5 Reasons To Start Using Blackboard:
* Easy Access for students to all of your course information and course content 24/7
* Keep students posted as to their grades during the entire semester in a confidential manner
* Incorporate web-based content using Web Links
* Embed or attach your PowerPoint presentations in one central location
* Centralized Communication to your class roster through Announcements. Post an announcement and deliver an email with one click of a button.

Please fill out the fields of information below.  We will be getting back to you shortly with confirmation of your registration to a session or the Level 1 fully online Blackboard Certification course.
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Name *
Email *
I have taught at MCC for:
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I teach the following courses:
I am:
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Please make one registration selection from the choices below.  All sessions held at Brighton Campus, Virtual Campus Training Center, 3-122A.  Entrance by doors to Gilman Lounge.  90 minute presentation and 30 minute optional lab to practice what you learn. *
Choose one session
I would like to use Blackboard to:
Check all that apply
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