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LMHS Panther Parking Passes 24-25
Please complete this online form to apply for a parking pass for the 24-25 school year. Passes can be purchased (cash or check only) at the high school main office starting on the following dates:

-SENIORS may begin purchasing passes on July 29, 2024 

-JUNIORS may begin purchasing passes on August 5, 2024 

-All other licensed drivers may begin purchasing passes on August 12, 2024


-Students must show a valid driver's license for passes to be purchased
   (Temporary permit holders will not be eligible to buy parking passes)

-Student parking passes are only valid during school hours  
***after school hours you may be asked to move your vehicle***

(if paying fees with check, it must be separate check from parking pass payment)
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First Name *
Last Name *
Grade Level for 24-25 School Year *
Student Driver License Number *
Student Phone Number *
Year of Car *
Make of Car *
Color of Car *
License Plate Number *
Name of Car Insurance *
Phone Number of Insurance *
I understand the fee for a parking pass is $50 for the year or $30 for a partial year if purchased after January 1st. Passes are sold at the High School Main Office CASH or CHECK ONLY- checks made payable to LMHS  (All outstanding school fees must be paid prior to purchasing a parking pass

If a different vehicle is parked in your assigned spot, please report the license plate number to the main office

REMINDER: Student parking passes are only valid during school hours ***after school hours you may be asked to move your vehicle***
I understand that by signing this application, I have a current driver's license that is not under suspension or revocation. I understand that violating any of the regulations of student parking privileges may result in the revocation of the parking pass, suspension of parking privileges, or other disciplinary action. I understand that the violation of the student code of conduct may result in the revocation of the parking pass, suspension of parking privileges, or other disciplinary action. I understand that space is limited for student parking. In order to apply for a parking pass, all outstanding fees must be paid and remain current with each semester, or the parking pass can be revoked. Applications must be completed in full to be processed and approved by the main office. *
Student Signature *
Type Full Name
STUDENT DRIVING REGULATIONS AND INFORMATION: Parking in the school student parking lot is considered a privilege, which may be revoked or suspended for various rule infractions including, but not limited to the following: 1. Failure to pay current school year fees by the end of the semester. 2. Repeated tardiness to school and/or class. 3. Reckless operation or license suspension. 4. Truancy from school or assigned class period. 5. Failure to obey parking lot supervisor 6. Spinning or squealing tires 7. Repeated warnings for loud music. 8.Parking in an unauthorized area or teacher parking lot 9. Loitering in the car or student parking lot before or after school 10. Any violations of the Student Code of Conduct 
NOTE: Pass holders are NOT permitted to transfer their passes to other students. Non-pass holders who continue to drive to school will be considered insubordinate and punished per the Code of Conduct and vehicles may be towed from the student lot at the owner's expense.
Added items of note: 1. All vehicles must display the parking pass on the rearview mirror daily, or they can be denied access to the student parking lot. The tag must be visible through the windshield and the number on the tag must match the parking spot your vehicle is parked in. 2. Cars must always yield right of way to school buses. 3. All cars using the school parking lot must have insurance. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS OUT OF STUDENTS' VEHICLES DURING ANY TIME IT IS PARKED ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. PLEASE KEEP YOUR CAR LOCKED AT ALL TIMES. 4. There is to be no loitering in the school parking lot or automobiles. Once school is dismissed, all students are expected to leave school grounds unless they have official business to attend. Students should not arrive prior to 7:00 AM. Once a student arrives at school, they may not leave and re-enter the school parking lot before school starts. 5. Substances and/or devices considered against the student code of conduct are not permitted in cars on school grounds by drivers or passengers. 6. The maximum speed in the parking lot is 10 MPH. Reckless driving will not be tolerated and can result in revocation of student parking privileges. Reckless driving includes, but is not limited to: squealing tires, speeding, failure to obey the parking lot supervisor, parking in unauthorized areas, and driving recklessly. 7. Weapons/look-alike weapons or anything that can be used as weapons are prohibited in school and on school property. This prohibition includes student vehicles. 8. Students will not be permitted to retrieve forgotten items from their cars during the school day. 9. Student vehicles may be subject to search at any time by staff or law enforcement. *
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