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MUSAE - Multidisciplinary Skills for Artists’ Entrepreneurship (co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union)   AREA 4: STUDENTS
MUSAE project aims to professionalize Higher Education in a variety of knowledge-based creative fields focusing on three macro-areas  (Music, Visual Arts, Cinema, Performing Arts) and their interactions through the design of new Modules aiming to provide the future artists with entrepreneurial and interdisciplinary skills. To do this we need to collect information about every partner institutes.

This questionnaire is part off the first project activity which is aimed at collecting data for the proper understanding the "starting point" at the partner institutions and countries, as well as at identifying their needs and potentials.

This is a survey for students; please answer the following questions in as much detail and complete as possible. Thanks for the time you will spend in this activity.
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Email *
Name of the Institution *
Name of your course (type and total years of the course)
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Educational qualification
Enrolled to
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1) Do you carry out a parallel work activity?
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If yes, which one?
2) Why are you enrolled in this course?
3) Do you think that your Institute is able to fully support you through your study path?
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4) Would you recommend your Institute to a friend?
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5) Are there any disciplines you would like to study that are not included in your study plan? Which?
6) Your Institute should improve:
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7) Are there skills the teaching staff should acquire? which?
8) Do you think students should have at least a basic knowledge of the economic system?
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9) According to you, does your institute promote student entrepreneurshio?
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In what way?
10) Are there any critical issues that you think your institution needs to improve?
11) Could you please identify the strengths of your Institute?
12) What kind of job you would like to do in the future?
13) Would you like to set up a business of your own in the future?
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What is your need at this moment?( professional, economic, learning…)
What information would be useful to meet these needs?
Which teaching subjects could provide an answer to your questions/needs?
Are some of them already included in your study plan?
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14) Do you currently have a business (or business idea/project) that you would like to continue (or start) in the future?
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(IF YES) Are you a sole entrepreneur or do you work with a team?
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Please, Describe your business idea (product / service)
What problems do you think will be solved thanks to your product / service?
How is your product / service innovative? What is its added value?
What are the main strengths about your idea/ of your business?
What are the weaker elements and how are you dealing with them?
Is your idea proving economically viable?
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What investments did you need to make?
Which financial investments did you have to foresee?
19) (about your current business/your business idea) What are your needs at this moment?
Which skills do you need at this moment?
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What teaching subjects are already present in the current curriculum that could best meet your needs?
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