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Small Conference Room Reservation Form (Room #001A)
Use this form to reserve the small conference room in the CSLS. Please  check the calendar for  availability before you fill out this form. Thank you.
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Name *
Course # or reason for reserving the room *
Date of Reservation *
Start Time *
00:00 am/pm
End Time *
00:00 am/pm
Number of Attendees
E-mail Address
Disclaimer *
I understand that the room reservation is on a first-come, first-served bases and  not completed until confirmed by CSLS staff.
When reserving the small conference room, you agree to schedule and complete a training session, which will orient you to the use of the technology available in the classroom.  It is your responsibility to schedule this training session, in advance, with Felekech Tigabu    ( Training cannot be provided during the class session.
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