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Narratio Registration April 12 Events

Please use this form to join the lunch discussion or the storytelling workshop held on Friday, April 12. 

Our main event, Narratio: Art & Stories of Resettled Refugee Youth, is free and open to the public on Thursday, April 11 5-6:30 pm, in Humanities Hall Auditorium (G66). Welcome reception at 4:30 outside the auditorium, and no registration required.  

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Friday, April 12  Luncheon on Publicly Engaged Scholarship & Creative Work

Where: Brown Room, Cooper Library

When: April 12, 11:30–12:30pm

Narratio co-founders Ahmed Badr and Brice Nordquist will have an open discussion with Clemson educators and campus members to share their experience with strengthening publicly engaged arts and humanities. Lunch will be provided.

If you will attend the lunch, please note your dietary preferences below.

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Friday, April 12    Storytelling Workshop
Where: Watt Center, Room 208
When: April 12, 4:30–6pm

This workshop is focused on the power of storytelling to build and transform communities. Specifically, it introduces the Narratio method of object-based storytelling, developed in collaboration with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, to enable resettled refugee and immigrant youth to shape and influence the global conversation around displacement, immigration, and cultural production through innovative engagement with and activation of museum collections. During this workshop, participants will have the chance to explore object-based storytelling to engage different audiences in the conversation around immigration, displacement, advocacy, peace building, personal and community well being, as well as trace connections between storytelling, multimedia production, and community organizing.

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