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Registration form for the webinar "How can ICT enable Circular Economy Business Models?" on May 11, 2022
It is our pleasure to invite you to join the C-SERVEES project webinar “How can ICT enable Circular Economy Business Models?” to be held on 11 May, from 10:30-12:00 (CEST), via MS Teams.  The webinar will include presentations on the business models developed within the project and the supporting ICT tools for bidirectional, secure information exchange across the EEE value chain. The webinar will give the opportunity to learn first-hand how the CIRCULARISE digital information exchange platform works and how it enhances value chain transparency. It will also highlight how the RINA-C logistics tool has been developed to improve circularity and show the audience how the platform of SOLTEL fosters public information exchange.

Please join us on 11 May to take full advantage of the potential and synergies of two major revolutions of our time: the circular economy and Industry 4.0.

Please read the agenda of the webinar at
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The webinar will be recorded and afterwards published on our webpage *
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