In the framework of the project ICARUS (Intermodal Connections in Adriatic-Ionian Region to Upgrowth Seamless solutions for passenger), funded under Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme project partners wish to share their experience with other organisations that are interested in cross-border and multimodal passenger connections and Mobility as a Service (MaaS). Through the Enlarged Transfer Programme ICARUS will provide training on the following topics:  understanding innovation and mobility; ICT opportunities for public transport policy; case studies and application of multimodal solutions for the sustainable mobility of passengers and of freight; best practices transferability between public administrations (national and transnational). Moreover, participants will be asked to draft a light action plan to improve sustainable mobility services in their area and with Italy and Croatia. The best action plan will be awarded a non-monetary prize! To apply please fill in the form below.

For additional information on this call please visit: https://www.italy-croatia.eu/web/icarus
Name of the organisation *
Does your organisation work in the Adriatic-Ionian Region? *
Type of the organisation *
Country *
Organisations' address (street, street number, postal code, city) *
Name and surname of the participant (1) *
E-mail address (participant 1) *
Telephone number including international dial code (participant 1) *
Name and surname of the participant (2)
Telephone number  including international dial code (participant 2)
E-mail address (participant 2)
Name and surname of the participant (3)
Telephone number  including international dial code (participant 3)
E mail address (participant 3)
Please motivate your interest to attend ETP and the scope of your operations. *
Please upload a map of the territory of your operations (not mandatory)
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Please describe:  your institutional competence in transport related topics; geographical scope covering coastal areas; initiatives for "intermodal mobility"/ mobility as a service already developed or under preparation; needs, problems and expectations in the field of sustainability of transport policy. (max 2000 characters)
Which are your policy objectives and specific interest for the deployment of sustainable mobility planning and Mobility as a Service measures within your realm, that you would like to support by attending ICARUS ETP? (max 2000 characters)
In case you are applying as an agency/research unit please attach your Letter of Support of the supporting organisation.
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In case you are applying as an agency/research unit please provide the name of your supporting organisation:
In case you are applying as an agency/research unit specify the type of the supporting organisation
In case you are applying as an agency/research unit please specify the country of origin of the supporting organisation:
Does your supporting organisation work in the Adriatic-Ionian Region?
In case you are applying as an agency/research unit please provide the address of your supporting organisation: (street, street number, postal code, city)
Terms of acceptance:  The information of this application form will be used only for the purposes of the ICARUS project. Contact details will be treated following the most recent rules on privacy  (EU Regulation 2016/679 - GDPR). By sending this application form, you agree on the participation in the ETP related activities of the ICARUS plan of action and on the development of a light action plan for the future possible implementation of sustainable intermodal mobility measures and MaaS delivery in your realm. You will not receive any funds from the ICARUS project neither from the INTERREG VA Italy – Croatia Programme 2014 - 2020 to perform activities within ICARUS ETP Programme. In specific cases, some travel expenses can be reimbursed by the project, if agreed in advance with the Project Lead Partner. *
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