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Brick Lane Music Hall Summer School 
Application Form 
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Email *
Child's Name  *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Child's Allergies  *
Child's Health Conditions (Please specify any medication they will be bringing with them.)  *
T-Shirt Size  *
Please tick any dates your child is unable to attend. (Please note they must be available for the performance day on Saturday 27th July, 10.30am-5pm, and a minimum of three rehearsal days.)
Please give us any further information about your child if applicable.
If you have more than one child that you would like to sign up then please fill in this form for each child you are applying for. 

There is a sibling discount offer available, when you come to make payment with the Brick Lane Music Hall office please let them know and they will apply the discount to your payment. 

Please let us know below, how many children you are signing up. 
Name of Parent/Guardian *
Parent/Guardian Contact Number  *
Parent/Guardian Email Address  *
Parent/Guardian Address  *
Emergency Contact Name and Mobile (If different from above.) 
Payment Terms 

Payment must be made in full to Brick Lane Music Hall by Friday 21st June. If payment is NOT received by this date then your child will not be able to partake in the programme. Once a place is paid and confirmed the booking will become non refundable. 

Please call the Brick Lane Music Hall Office on 020 7511 6655 to arrange payment. 

Performance Details 

There will be two performances on the 27th July 2024 at 2pm and 4pm. These will be ticketed at £10 a person (children under 2 go free). You will be able to pay for these during the rehearsal week with the Summer School staff. 

Please note the tickets will be on a first come first served basis. If you have any questions please detail below. 
Key Information 

The address of the Summer School and performance date will be at Brick Lane Music Hall, 443 N Woolwich Rd, London E16 2DA. 

You will be able to drop off and pick up your child on site and parking will be available for the performances.

Please provide your child with a packed lunch each day, drinks will be provided on site. 

The rehearsal days will be 10.30am to 4.30pm. The performance day will be slightly longer 10.30am-5pm.

If you have any further questions please detail below or email us at 

We really look forward to welcoming your child to the Brick Lane Music Hall Summer School. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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