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Application for the Anga Incubation
iHub is  partnering with Viffa Consult to offer an incubation space to Kenyan startups and SMEs to bootstrap for a period of six months. . We will leverage our experience in running incubation programs through our entrepreneurship support center(mlab East Africa), partners' expertise, rich alumni network, our social capital and research done over the years.

The program will afford entrepreneurs bespoke end to end business support letting them focus on their core competencies. The business support is delivered by experienced experts who are themselves entrepreneurs striking a delicate balance between street smartness and hard core experience. The program is a paid program. It will cost Khs 15,000 per entrepreneur per month
Email *
Salutation *
Name *
Age *
Country of Residence *
Phone contact *
Social media profile
Company/Profile information (Optional for those with a company)
Startup/Company name
Which country is company registered
Startup/Company website (if any)
Age of company *
Applicants job title in the company
What does your business do or what problems does your business solve *
Have you been to an incubator or accelerator before *
If your have been to an incubator or accelerator before which one and for how long *
Organization structure
How many employees do you have *
Form of startup registration *
Business stage *
Industry/ Sector *
Can you pay the incubation fee? *
Are you available for the 6 months of the program starting on 1st August 2019 *
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