The California Healthy Youth Act requires that comprehensive sexual health education and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention education be taught to students at least once in middle school and once in high school, beginning no later than grade seven. Instruction and materials must be medically accurate, objective, age‐appropriate and inclusive of all students, as defined by law. The law requires that instruction and materials must encourage students to communicate with parents, guardians, or other trusted adults about human sexuality.
Pathways will deliver this content through an online curriculum that includes printed (or downloadable) response materials: Positive Prevention Plus. The middle school content is incorporated as a unit within our Grade 7 Life Science coursework. The high school content is incorporated as a unit within our PE 2 Health and Fitness coursework, traditionally completed in Grade 10. In both cases, the units will be assigned and monitored by the student’s independent study teacher during Learning Period 5 (March 11 through April 26, 2024).
Would you like more information about the sex education standards? Information about the California Healthy Youth Act (California Education Code sections 51930–51939) is linked on our website, under “Enrolled Family Resources: Handbooks & Information,"
If you do not want your student to participate in comprehensive sexual health or HIV prevention education, please complete this form or submit a signed, written notice by Monday, February 26, 2024, at 4:00 pm. You must include your student’s full name and grade level. Hard copies must be submitted in person or emailed to the Registrar by the deadline listed above. Registrar:
Si no desea que su estudiante participe en educación integral sobre salud sexual o prevención del VIH, complete esta forma o proporcionar una nota escrita y firmada al registradora a más tardar el lunes 26 de febrero a las 4:00 p.m. Debe incluir el nombre completo y el nivel de grado de su estudiante.