All Good Things (The Good Life #0.5) by Jodie Beau - Blog Tour Sign Up
Have Book Will Read and Books To Breathe are co-arranging the blog tour for Jodie Beau's new adult novel All Good Things. You may remember Roxie and Jake from The Good Life, well, this is their prequel story. You DO NOT need to have read The Good Life before reading All Good Things as it is a standalone story.

The tour will run from 17th to 21st February.

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All Good Things…
Are wild and free.

This is going to be the best summer ever! Bonfires, pool parties, trips to the beach, throwing her arms in the air while riding down the open road in a convertible – she’s going to do it all.

Roxie has plans. It’s the last summer before college graduation. By this time next year she’ll be living in the “real” world; ie: paying bills, searching for a job that doesn’t require an apron, and maybe even sleeping on a bed that doesn’t turn into a couch. If there’s ever a time to be fun, irresponsible and reckless, it’s now.

But things don’t always go as planned.

Before the summer has even started, Roxie makes a discovery that breaks her heart and shatters her confidence. Her hopes of having the Best Summer Ever go straight in the trash. Forget the beach. Forget the bonfires. Forget summer altogether.

If only her childhood friend, Jake, would let her be. His contagious smile keeps popping up and dragging her to every social event in Ann Arbor. Reluctant at first, his happy-go-lucky attitude becomes an addiction. It isn’t long before Roxie starts to wonder if her longtime friend might be the perfect cure for her heartbreak. This summer might be good after all.

But All Good Things…
Must come to an end.
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All tour posts will include book cover and info, blurb, buying links, author bio and social media links as well as one or more of the following:
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Would you be able to help with a release day blitz on Friday 31st January?
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