UPE Early Application Form | Due Sunday, February 8 at 11:59pm
Welcome prospective CS majors! Thanks for your interest in UPE! If you would like to apply to UPE as an early applicant, please make sure you fulfill the requirements below and then complete the form. We will then verify your information and notify you of your status on Monday, February 9!

If you are selected, you are invited to our first general meeting next Tuesday, February 10, 7:30PM. Location TBA.

Early Applicant Requirements:

1) You are a prospective L&S CS major
2) You have completed at least 2 classes required to declare a CS major with a grade of A- or higher.
3) You have taken or are currently enrolled in a total of 4 CS prerequisite courses.
4) Your GPA calculated from the classes you have taken is at least a 3.6.

Your application will not be complete until you send us your transcript as well.
Please send them to: early@upe.cs.berkeley.edu
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
What classes are currently enrolled in? *
Check all that apply.
What classes have you taken? *
Check all that apply.
What is your lower-div requirements GPA? *
Use 2 decimal places. This can be determined by adding up the numeric equivalent of the letter grades and dividing the total by the number of courses taken. For example, suppose you received an A in CS61A, A- CS61B, and a B in CS61C. Your GPA is equal to (4.0 + 3.7 + 3.0) / 3 = 3.57. Or check you transcript.
Of the above classes you have taken, in which of the following classes have you obtained a grade of A- or higher? *
UPE requires early applicants to have completed at least 2 classes with a grade of A- or higher.
Why are you interested in joining UPE, or what suggestions do you have for UPE? *
Please provide a non-empty answer.
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