Early Career Samples Forum and Workshop Registration (Part 1 of 2)
This event is to be held at GSA in Baltimore, MD on Sunday, November 1, 2015 from 1:30–5:00pm. Sponsored by EarthCube iSamples and C4P RCNs. ***Registration Deadline: October 23rd, 2015.
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Last Name *
First Name *
email: *
Present Institution *
Your present position:
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Mailing Address:
In what year did you/  do you expect to complete your PhD?
Describe the type of samples you study.
What are your greatest concerns about managing samples in the field?
What are your greatest concerns about managing samples in your lab?
What are your greatest concerns about long term sample management over your career?
What do you feel are the current challenges to managing sample collections for geoscience research?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about sample management, or a topic you'd like to suggest for the forum?
Please briefly summarize your current sample management process.
Have you registered any samples with SESAR/IGSN?
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Thanks for registering. Please be sure to complete Part 2 as well (link given in original announcement email).
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