XLDB 2013 Evaluation
We're always trying to improve XLDB, and would appreciate any constructive feedback. Thanks in advance for completing this quick anonymous survey. The deadline to fill out this survey is September 30, 2013.
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Which of these did you attend? *
Overall Impressions
How useful did you find XLDB 2013? *
Not useful
Extremely useful
Which were your FAVORITE parts of XLDB 2013? How could we make them even better?
Which were your LEAST FAVORITE parts of XLDB 2013? How can we improve them, or should they be dropped?
Were topics missing or over-represented at XLDB 2013? Which ones?
Do you have any suggestions for future topics and speakers?
Compared to last year's XLDB 2012
(Please skip if you did not attend last year)
How did you find the changes made to...
1 (needs more work)
2 (good)
3 (perfect)
Hardware talks
Location logistics (parking, power, signage, etc.)
Clear selection
Please share any other recommendations, suggestions or comments you have regarding XLDB.
You may include comments regarding our web presence, recorded media or other XLDB-related things.
What advice and tips do you have for prospective/future attendees?
Contact information
Your name
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