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USAS Academy Training Registration & Waiver
Please complete the form below to register your child for the youth academy training sessions.
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Email *
Player's First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
Zip code *
Date of Birth *
Parent or Guardian Name *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Person *
Emergency Phone Number *
Medical Release & Liability Waiver

I assume all risks incidental to such participation in the sport of soccer, including transportation to and from such activities. I hereby waive, release and absolve the organizers, sponsors, USAS staff and participants from any claim arising out of injury to my son/daughter.

Moreover, I do hereby certify and assume that my child, registrant for the program, is in sufficient health to endure the rigorous activities and drills that are common in the participation of soccer a contact sport.

Furthermore, I do hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree that it is my responsibility to inform the appropriate director/coach or USAS staff of any health-related complications illness, or conditions regarding the application and/or prescription medicine being taken by the applicant.
Is the player in good health and free of fever and/or any other illness-related symptoms? *
Has the player or guardian tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days? *
Is the player currently taking any medication? *
If you answered "yes" to the above question, please list the medication(s).
Please print your name *
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