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Survey for HYVÄT members
The board of Helsingin yliopiston väitöskirjatutkijat / Doktorander vid Helsingfors universitet / University of Helsinki PhD Students (HYVÄT) would like to know how to help you more in the future! The following survey is meant to give us an idea about the kind of events you would like to attend, as well as activities you think might contribute to your research process.
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How useful would you find workshops or lectures on themes associated with the research process such as funding, publishing, motivation, etc?
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Please add certain topics you would like to be brought up in workshops or lectures
How likely would it be for you to participate in informal co-regulating group sessions (e.g. group writing sessions, thematic discussions, 'practice your conference presentation')?
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Would you like to see HYVÄT organize academic networking events?
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Do you think HYVÄT networking events should be organized outside academia? For example, with companies and employers outside the academic circle?
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Would you attend these events?
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Put a mark in the boxes for the types of events you would like to see HYVÄT organize for its members (you can select more than one).
How likely would it be that you attend these events?
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Please add any suggestions or ideas for events!
Please feel free to give any other additional comments!
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