Kansas Parent Survey ©
The collection of answers from this “parent” survey will be a tremendous help for those who are working towards change in regards to the child protective AGENCY in Your State. The cooperation of everyone will be greatly appreciated and most helpful.
NOTE: The "Child Protective AGENCY" OR "AGENCY" will refer to the particular State, County, and/or Local Agency in your state. In advance, thank you for participating in this vital survey.
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INTRODUCTION TO SURVEY-1. Have you been, or do you know someone, who was accused by the Child Protective AGENCY of child abuse or neglect?
If the answer is No, you still may want to review this information, but not complete the survey. Also, please pass this on to others in your state, who have been involved with the AGENCY
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2. Is your case Active or Completed?
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3. Optional: You may either enter “Anonymous” or Your First Name
4. Optional: Enter your County(ies) that were active in your case.
Many states have counties that are the area of responsibility. Hopefully, by entering your County(ies) a more detailed Survey can be generated.
5. Email Address.This will not be shared with anyone other than those directly responsible for the survey. A follow up showing the results and/or additional information relating to this survey may be sent.
Do you wish to continue this survey?
Major Topics are: 1. Entering your home; 2. Social workers interactions; 3. Your attorney; 4. Judge's interactions; 5. Psych evaluations; 6. Recording and written documentation; 7. TPR; 8. Final thoughts. Please feel free to skip any that don't apply in your situation.
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