Fallian Network Server Manager Application
Thank you for taking the time to fill out an application to be a part of the Fallian Network Staff Family! We are always looking for more staff members and are always on the lookout for anyone who wishes to apply. Anyone is allowed to apply, but that does mean we accept anyone.
Here are a list of requirements that are needed to be eligible for a staff position on the Fallian Network:

     - Must have a Skype Account
     - Must use TeamSpeak 3
     - Must have a working microphone ( We will not tolerate using text messaging over Skype or TeamSpeak 3)
     - Must have an active email address to be contacted at (You will be using this a LOT)
     - Must be at least 16 years of age
     - Must have been a developer/server manager (Managed plugins, internet issues, etc.) on at least 1 server
     - Must know how to manage plugins without thinking
     - [OPTIONAL] You should know how to develop plugins with Java (This will help you get hired!)

When filling out your application, make sure your answers are as detailed and as long as possible, as missing one piece of detail can either make or break your application. Anyways, good luck, have fun, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

                                                                                                                                       - Cambrianite (Kaitlyn)
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What is your First and Last name? *
This is required due to legal matters (This will not be shared with anyone).
What is your In-Game Name? *
Your Minecraft username
How old are you? *
Please do not lie about your age.
What time-zone do you live in? *
Example: -8:00 Pacific Standard Time
Do you have a Skype account? If so, what is your username? *
Do NOT provide the name of your Skype name, just your username.
When did you first start playing Minecraft? *
How long have you been playing on the Fallian Network? *
Have you ever been banned on another server other than this one? *
Please be sure to list ALL servers you have been banned on.
Do you have any past experience in any type of Server Management/Development? If so, what experience? *
Are you multilingual? If so, what languages other than English do you speak? If not, please answer with "no". *
Multilingual: Able to speak more than one language.
How long are you active on the Fallian Network? *
Mark only one oval.
How many hours can you contribute per day? *
What advice would you give to a person who had to discipline someone who was younger than them? *
Or explain how you yourself would discipline someone who was younger than you.
How many Fallian Network Staff Applications have you ever made in the past? *
Fallian Network ONLY!
If you answered yes to the question above, when was the last time you made your latest application?
Fallian Network ONLY!
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Fun facts, medical or psychological issues that might interfere with your work/performance, and other items?
Please provide an email address I can contact your results to.
This is necessary so I can contact you if you made it or not.
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