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Tacoma Mountaineers Conditioning Hiking Series Homework
Please fill this out prior to the Lecture on March 15, 2023

The goal of this homework is to test your understanding of the contents of the Conditioning Hiking Series course manual.  If you have not yet read the the manual, please read it before completing this.
Name *
Have you completed the Low Impact Recreation Course?  If No, please take this as soon as possible.  It is an free easy one hour course.                                      *
1. How many hikes per month are required to graduate? *
2. How many hikes per month MUST be Tacoma CHS Hikes? *
3. Name the Ten Essentials and indicate what you already have that you can use: *
4. According to the Leave No Trace principles outlined in the manual, how many feet from water must you be before depositing human waste? *
5. When do hikes open to CHS participants each month for registration? *
6. Name the Seven Principles of “Leave No Trace” *
7. What conservation activity is required for graduation? *
8. How do you log your CHS hikes to receive credit?  *
9. Explain the layering approach to maintaining temperature control and the purpose of each type of layer: *
10. What is the date of your Mountaineer Waiver Agreement on file? If your Waiver expires prior to 10/1/2023, please sign a new waiver.  Hint: Log onto the website. On the left side of the screen, you will see a “My Waiver” button. *
11. What are some exercises you can incorporate into your fitness routine to help you complete this course? *
12. When calculating pace, are rest breaks included? *
13. A hiker starts at the trailhead at 8am and arrives back at the trailhead at 2pm on a 12 miles hike with 1,300' of elevation gain.   What is the hikers pace? *
Please use your pace to select CHS hikes during the coming months.  If you do not know what your pace is, please choose a hike that is approximately 5 miles to calculate your pace.  Some popular hikes we suggest are Rattlesnake Ledge, Little Mashel Falls, Margaret's Way, Little Si, Taylor Mountain.
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