In this investigation, you will be using movies of animations to estimate a variety of aspects of the orbits of planets and moons within the solar system.  You will estimate unknown features by comparing them to know features.  We encourage you to view all movies in HD and full screen.  The following are simulation resources used to develop this investigation. 3D
      (1) Solar System (https://theskylive.com/3dsolarsystem)
      (2) Solar System Visualizer (https://janus.astro.umd.edu/SolarSystems)

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How long does it take Mars to orbit the Sun?
How long does it take Mars to orbit the Sun?   The Earth orbits the sun in 365 earth-days (1 earth-year).  Knowing this, you can determine how many earth-days it takes Mars to orbit the sun. Using this video, estimate the number of earth-days it takes Mars to orbit the sun. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SUcSnbVkzyXUVlGY2Nh6O2iNjNor8a5I/view.  
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How far is the Moon from Earth?
How far is the Moon from Earth?  The Earth is 12742 km (7917 miles) in diameter.  Using this information and the following movie, estimate the distance to the moon in km. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x9zkBm_6XCmk7SO6RKSBjEWxbWwQ7Zye
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How far (in AU) is Saturn from the Sun?
Astronomers measure distances in the Solar System in astronomical units (AU).  One AU is defined as the average distance between the Earth and the Sun.  Examine this move and estimate the distance between the Sun and Saturn in astronomical units. https://drive.google.com/file/d/10T8m30Sq8bxEMzZCdSmFFA4rSYAa58TV/view
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How does the orbital path of Pluto differ from the orbital paths of the planets.
Pluto is considered a dwarf planet, not one of the eight planets in our Solar System.  Not only is it much smaller than the planets, but it also orbits much differently.  Compare the orbit of Pluto to the other planets and check all that apply.
What is the shape of the orbits?
The outer planets have many moons. Examine the orbits of the moons of Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn.  Describe the shapes of the orbits of these moons.  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x9zkBm_6XCmk7SO6RKSBjEWxbWwQ7Zye
When will Comet Halley return?
A comet is an icy small Solar System body that, when passing close to the Sun, warms and begins to release gases, a process called outgassing. This produces a visible atmosphere or coma, and sometimes also a tail.  The most famous comet is Comet Halley, which was first observed in 239BC, and last observed in 1986.  Use the animation to estimate the year in which Comet Halley will return.  To do so, you may want to count how many earth-years (orbits of the earth around the Sun) it takes for Comet Halley to make a single orbit around the Sun. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x9zkBm_6XCmk7SO6RKSBjEWxbWwQ7Zye
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When does a comet (or planet, or moon) move fastest?
Examine the highly elliptical orbit of Comet Halley.  When does it travel the fastest?  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x9zkBm_6XCmk7SO6RKSBjEWxbWwQ7Zye
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