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Consultation Application
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Please select your call preference: *
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Cell Phone, Zoom or Skype ID:
Best email address: *
If you would like to work with a specific coach, please tell us who. Otherwise, we will use our laser sharp intuition to match you to the perfect one.
Briefly describe your most pressing area of desired help. Is it personal growth, relationship, business, etc?*
Specifically, how would you describe the reasons you would hire a coach?
If you have a business, what is your website? (If you don't have one please type "no site") *
What problems are you facing at this time and place in your life*
How would you describe your ideal life/situation? *
What's the biggest obstacle keeping you from your goals? *
How willing & able are you to invest in personal and/or professional growth  right now? *
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If you and one of our premier coaches are a good fit, how soon can you get started? *
Our program works best with those who are ready to do deep work and implement the necessary changes in their lives. We also work with high-level entrepreneurs who want to learn, grow, and lead. Why do you feel you are a good candidate to work with Team Magi? *
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