Application Form
                                                                     Youth exchange: Let’s play together!            
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Personal Information *
Last name:
First name: *
Address: *
Postal code & City: *
Country: *
E-Mail: *
Phone number: *
Date of birth: *
Place of birth: *
Foreign Passport Nr: *
Date of expiry: *
Contact person in case of emergency and phone number: *
Your Skype: *
Links on your Pages in VK, FB:
Your language skills *
Other Languages *
and Level
1. Please, describe your personal and professional motivation to take part the youth exchange “Let’s play together!” *
2. Please, briefly describe your educational background (formal and non-formal) *
3. Please describe your previous experiences in international projects/trips abroad *
4. What do you know about the Youth in Action programme? (Try to be honest and don’t use Google :)) *
5. Propose 2 methods of inclusion young people in sport life style. And describe how they inclusion in sport life can help them become active citizens. *
6. How you plan to promote results of this exchange in your native city? Describe your activity in 3 concrete steps *
7. If you want to share some information about yourself with us. You can do it here! *
Some private stuffs... *
Do you have special needs (medical conditions, handicaps)?
Do you need to take any kind of medication?
Do you have any allergies (pets, food, etc.)?
Do you have special needs concerning food (vegetarian)?
Please specify if you have answered YES to any of the above questions:
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