Plagiarism Pre-Assessment
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Please write your name *
What period are you in? *
Using something I find on the Internet for a class assignment is always okay. *
If I take something from the Internet or a book and change only a few words and phrases, I can use that information as my own for class assignments. *
Giving an incorrect reference for information I use is plagiarism. *
Plagiarism is okay if I am not caught because it only affects me and not others. *
Information on the Internet is free for me to use in any way I want. *
Copyright laws do not apply to information found on the Internet; they only apply to books. *
Using a substantial amount of a work from the Internet without permission is a violation of copyright law. *
If someone said something in a lecture or on television or radio, I don’t have to cite it because it is not written. *
If I am found guilty of plagiarism, I could not only receive a zero on the assignment, but be written up for Academic Dishonesty. *
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