Professor Xiaoxing Xi's Third Circuit oral arguments will be on Wednesday, September 14 at 9:30am ET in Philadelphia, PA.
We hope that concerned community members attend the oral arguments at the Third Circuit Court of Appeals at 19th Floor, Albert Branson Maris Courtroom, 6th Street and Market Street at Philadelphia, PA.
郗小星教授在第三巡回上诉法院的口头辩论将于 9 月 14 日星期三在宾夕法尼亚州费城举行。我们希望社区成员能够在当天来到法院旁听庭审,以表示大家对他的支持。
Event Timing:
September 14th, 2022 at 9:30am ET
Event Address:
United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 19th Floor, Albert Branson Maris Courtroom, 6th Street and Market StreetPhiladelphia, PA
Organization Lead: OCA of Greater Philadelphia
For questions, please contact Tsiwen Law & Michael Nguyen from OCA of Greater Philadelphia and OCA National at
For any media inquiries, please contact Allegra Harpootlian at
活动时间: 2022年9月14日, 星期三 9:30 am ET.
活动地址: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 19th Floor, Albert Branson Maris Courtroom, 6th Street and Market Street, Philadelphia, PA
组织者: OCA of Greater Philadelphia
如有您有任何问题,请您联系来自 OCA大费城 的Tsiwen Law 和 OCA National 的 Michael Nguyen;
对于任何跟媒体有关的问题,请您联系Allegra Harpootlian 邮箱: