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Course evaluation for Object Oriented System Design (e), Spring 2023 at KCGI
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Q1. Choose all terms that best suit to describe this class
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Q2. Write any additional comments about Question 1.
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Q3. How do you rate the overall performance of the teacher? 
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Q4. Write any additional comments about Question 3.
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Q5. Skill and responsiveness of the teacher
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Q6. How relevant to your studies was this class?
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Q7. Write any additional comments about Question 6.
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Q8. How challenging was this class? 
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Q9. Write any additional comments about Question 8.
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Course content
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Q10. How likely would you be to recommend this class to your friends? 
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Q11. Write any additional comments about Question 10.
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Q12. Compared to the face-to-face classes you have taken, how effective was this class? 
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Q13. Write any additional comments about Question 12.
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Q14. Contribution to your learning
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Q15. What aspects of this course were most useful or valuable?
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Q16. How do you use AI-assisted tools like ChatGPT to support you for preparing assignments/tasks in the course?
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Q17. How would I improve this course?
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