Southbrook School PTA Team

Southbrook School PTA team is an active group of parents and staff representatives which includes the Principal and Board of Trustees (BOT) Representatives.

Our aim is to work together as a community minded group to support our school and help foster relationships between families, teachers and the wider community. We welcome new members, additional support and are always open to new ideas.

The PTA provides invaluable support to the school by organising many social and fundraising events involving parents and the wider local community.  The money raised provides extra facilities and equipment for the pupils. Each year we set a fundraising goal and plan.

If you would like to join the team and / or just help out when you can, please fill out the form below.
Many hands make light work!
I am interested in joing the Southbrook School PTA *
I would love to help when I can, please add me to the master list so that I can help when I can. *
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