MPS TEAM UP College Access Center Workshop Request Form
This is the form that you use to register for a workshop for your group from grades 6 through 12 or beyond. If you have any questions, please call CAC South at 431-1830 or email 
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MPS TEAM UP College Access Center
Name of school/organization *
Name of contact person *
Phone number of contact person *
Email address of contact person *
Estimated group size *
Grade range/age of group *
Have the participants visited TEAM UP before? *
Have the participants used Career Cruising before? *
Are the participants current MPS students? *
Preferred location for workshop *
CAC South (3333 S. 27th St., Suite 300) holds up to 40 students.
Preferred time and date *
Workshops usually last two hours. Workshops are usually scheduled between 8am-2pm, but some exceptions can be made. Please note: TEAM UP cannot provide meals for students, but you are welcome to bring or order your own food to be consumed on site.
Will you request that TEAM UP pay for transportation? *
TEAM UP can pay for ONE bus per school per year. It is the responsibility of the group organizer to arrange for the bus. TEAM UP will forward instructions for which bus company, the timeline for ordering, etc., when the workshop confirmation is sent.
Choose ONE topic *
Please visit for descriptions of TEAM UP workshops. Please visit for an overview of Great Lakes workshops. NOTE: *Great Lakes can present this workshop; please submit this form a minimum of 14 days before the requested workshop date. **This workshop is exclusive to Great Lakes; if no representative of Great Lakes is available then staff will conduct a different workshop.
Does your group need any special accommodations? If so, what? *
TEAM UP staff is not responsible for managing the behavior of your group. Students visiting the center are expected to behave respectfully in order to create a positive experience for everyone involved. It is the group organizer's responsibility to arrange for adequate chaperones and to correct unacceptable student behavior as needed during your workshop. *
How did you hear about TEAM UP workshops? *
Please select all that apply
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