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5305 Collaborative Course Survey - Group 5
Please submit feedback regarding the course you have just completed, including feedback on course structure, content, and instructor.
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Section 1: Participant Information
Name   *
Email *
Section 2: Expectations
Course Work load *
Exceded Expectations
Met Expectations
Did Not Meet Expectations
Course Work Load
Course Objectives
Instructional Delivery
Course Lay Out
Contribution to learning *
Very good
Level of skill/knowledge at start of course
Level of skill/knowledge at end of course
Level of skill/knowledge required to complete the course
Contribution of course to your skill/knowledge
Section 3: Structure and Content
Rate the overall Structure of this course *
Overall structure of the course
Overall Content of the course
Course content *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Learning objectives were clear
Course content was organized and well planned
Course workload was appropriate
Course organized to allow all students to participate fully
Skill and responsiveness of the instructor *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Instructor was an effective lecturer/demonstrator
Presentations were clear and organized
Instructor stimulated student interest
Instructor effectively used time during class periods
Instructor was available and helpful
Grading was prompt and had useful feedback
Section 4: Assessment Items
(2 questions)
What aspects of this course were most useful or valuable? *
How would you improve this course? *
Section 5: Timing
(2 questions)
On average, how many hours did it take you to complete each activity in this course? *
If given the choice, would you have added more time to each activity or shortened it, why or why not? *
Section 6: Navigation
(2 questions)
It was easy to navigate this course. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
This course was user friendly and allowed me to easily access resources and materials. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Section 7: Visual Design
(2 questions)
The overall visual design of the course is clearly organized and facilitated easy access to content, materials, and resources. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The visual design of the course provided the necessary accessibility tools and features to support academic success including fonts, visual, and audio media. *
Strongly Diagree
Strongly Agree
Section 8: Multimedia Elements
(2 questions)
The multimedia elements utilized throughout the course were meaningful, qualitative, and relevant to the subject matter. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The amount of multimedia elements utilized contributed to my overall learning experience. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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