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2021 Hawaii County Democratic Party eConvention
The Hawaii County Democratic Party eConvention will be on Saturday, May 1, 2021.

This survey is to understand the needs and interests of Hawaii County Democratic Party Delegates to participate and vote in the eConvention.

Delegates will be voting on the new Hawaii County Committee members (County Chair, Vice Chair-East Hawaii, Vice Chair-West Hawaii, County Secretary, County Asst. Secretary, County Treasurer, County Asst. Treasurer, Kanaka Oiwi (non-male), Kanaka Oiwi (non-female).
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Are you planning on attending the Saturday, May 1, 2021 County eConvention from 9am-noon?
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I am a precinct or district officer, or HCC or SCC member: *
Where are you located on Hawaii island? *
I have reliable computer connectivity and access to participate electronically in the 2021 County eConvention on Saturday, May 1, 2021: *
If answered "no" or "sometimes" above, what kind of support would assist your participation in the Saturday, May 1, 2021 County eConvention:
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If you have limited or no connectivity access and there was an in-person location (with social distancing and mask wearing required) near you, would you be able/feel comfortable to attend?
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To the above question, why or why not?
Please submit your name and telephone contact info. here if you need a follow-up to have your accessibility issues addressed.
What issues/hot topics would you like to hear guest speakers/elected officials address at this County eConvention?
What action(s) would you like to see your local Democratic Party engage in? Ex: Workshops on submitting testimony at the State/County level or Food Distributions or whatever else you can dream of, and be willing to help or participate in.
Any other concerns or ideas for the upcoming eConvention that the planning committee can address before Saturday May 1, 2021?
Please go to our  for more information on the County eConvention and/or to complete the self-nomination form to run for office. Contact Shannon Matson (808)937-3037 if you need help addressing your connectivity issues.
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