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Team Registration Form 2019
When:   Friday, Nov 8 - 9am to 6pm
              Saturday, Nov 9 - 9am to 5pm
What:    The 12th Annual Deaf Indoor Soccer Tournament
Who:     6 - 8 Men's Teams (various States)
Where:  Total Arena Soccer,
               8400 Ardwick Ardome Rd
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Email *
Date *
Name: *
Manager/Coach Name: *
Team Soccer Name: *
Home/Mailing Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Email Address: *
Mobile Number: *
Videophone#: *
Jersey Color (Primary): *
Jersey Color (Backup) *
Payment Deadline due (Check one)
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Pay Online: Cash App is acceptable, and send to  $LDHHAMDC or send a check or money order (see below for address)
If you are unable to make a payment in full before any of the deadline due. Please contact us
ASAP so we can help and make an agreement. Avoid to pay late fee. Just contact us at

For more information or question, please feel free to contact us at If you want
to set up a VP meeting, Just email us in order to make a time and date.

Please fill out this form and ten send the form with a payment with a check or money order to:

                                                                    P.O. BOX 92047
                                                                Washington, DC 20090

LDHHAMDC Team - 2019                                                        
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