COF Asian Culture Festival RSVP
Please join us for an Asian Culture Festival Celebration with all the COF schools! There will be free food, performers, and activities.

Date: Saturday, April 1, 2023
Time: 1:30 - 5 PM (Event officially begins at 2 PM)
Location: Tansey Gymnasium, Wentworth Institute of Technology

*** Note: There will be a 250 person limit on attendees! If you are no longer able to attend, please email If the cap has been filled, we will notify you if you've made the waitlist. If a spot has opened up, we will also let you know!
Full name *
School email *
Phone number *
Any dietary restrictions? (Leave blank if no)
Are there any concerns of disability access? (Leave blank if no)
If you have any questions/concerns/comments, please let us know below! (Leave blank if no)
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