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Diversity Events Grant Application 2018-19
The Department of Arts & Humanities strives to foster diversity, inclusion, and social justice, as well as to support student initiatives that work toward these goals in creative and participatory ways. With this in mind, A&H is putting together a series of Diversity Events for the 2018-19 school year in order to increase the feeling of community among the TC student body. The Diversity Events Grant is open to all current students and student groups in the Department of Arts & Humanities.

The Grant is aimed at disrupting feelings of isolation and marginalization at TC. We are looking for events that will engage members of the student body, foster a sense of community, and change public spaces at TC. The Grant also gives students the opportunity to deepen existing relationships [or build new ones] with the neighboring Morningside Heights and Harlem communities. The call is intentionally broad and open-ended because we want to leave space for you to creatively and collaboratively make TC your own.

Grant proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis. We are open to proposals that are also seeking other sources of funding [for example, from the Student Senate].  If you are seeking other funding, be clear about where you are in the process in securing that funding.

We request that you share the flyers or advertisements for your event with the A&H Diversity committee and share a short summary of the event.
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Program *
Name *
Contact E-mail *
Contact Phone Number
Are you applying as part of a formal or informal student group? *
If so, which one?
Briefly describe your proposed event. (200 word limit) *
How would your proposed event build community, address diversity and social justice concerns, and engage A&H students and/or community members? (200 word limit) *
Grants for events will be around $200. Please give us a detailed budget description, and let us know if the event will have other economic support. *
Are you applying for funds from another TC office? Specify, which one(s)?
Proposed date and time *
Would there be an advisor supporting you with the event? If so, who?
Is there anything else you would like us to know when looking at your application?
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