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Sign-up for Orcasound notifications & help us measure our conservation effect
Please answer the questions below to customize your notifications and help us document how well Orcasound works as a conservation tool.

Orcasound notifications provide a link to a live-listening opportunity. Live "concerts" -- usually southern resident killer whales calling -- happen on average a couple times per month, but can be daily events during the summertime. Each notification of a listening opportunity may also contain timely conservation actions that you can take to help educate yourself, promote marine conservation, protect the species being heard, and/or support the host of the hydrophone node in solving local marine environmental problems.

Each listening opportunity will also include a link to the local Be Whale Wise guidelines which we expect all vessel- and land-based listeners to know, follow, promulgate, and help enforce. For guidance in the Salish Sea, please refer to --

We plan many types of notification methods, but are starting with an email list. If you'd like to receive notifications, you must provide your email address (which will only be used for Orcasound notifications & measuring conservation effect) and first/last names (required by our email distribution list):
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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First name *
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Do you agree to follow, share, & help enforce local laws and guidance related to whale watching and other vessel interactions? *
Please read and share the latest guidance for the Salish Sea at before agreeing (which is a pre-requisite for receiving real-time notifications from Orcasound).
How often do you listen to Orcasound?
Help us understand the extent to which you listen to the live audio from any of the Orcasound hydrophones.
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How knowledgeable do you feel about orcas and their environmental problems?
By "orcas" we mean killer whales in general, but mostly the salmon-eating and mammal-eating types that frequent the inland waters of Washington State (USA).
I don’t know much at all
I feel very knowledgeable
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How often do you seek out information about orcas?
Examples include: orca-related books, articles, web sites, documentaries, TV shows, social media, etc.
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How often do you participate in orca-related activities or actions?
Examples include: meetings, local learning opportunities, webinars, on-line petitions, making a donation, writing a letter to the editor or your representative(s), etc.
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From where do you typically listen, geographically (e.g. nearest city, State/Province, country)?
Do you spend time outside looking for orcas?
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