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St. Peter's Baptism Registration
We are thrilled to welcome your child into the Catholic faith through the Sacrament of Baptism. Please use this form to submit some preliminary information. You will be contacted shortly by a member of staff.
Please reach out to Meaghan Cisneros with questions. E:  P: 816-665-9332
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Email *
Family Name *
Mother's First, Middle and MAIDEN Name *
Is Mother Baptized?  *
What church and/or faith tradition was mother baptized? What city and state? 
Father's First Middle and Last Name *
Is Father Baptized?  *
What church and/or faith tradition) was father baptized? What city and state? 
Are you registered parishioners at St. Peter's Parish? If you would like to join the parish, please fill out the form at this link:
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