Tar Sands Resistance March Sponsor
The Tar Sands Resistance March is happening on Saturday June 6th. We look forward to having your organization join with Indigenous Environmental Network, Energy Action Coalition, MN Interfaith Power & Light, MN350, 350.org and Sierra Club to support this event. Together we will bring thousands of people from across the region to Minneapolis/St. Paul to call on President Obama to stop tar sands infrastructure expansion and call on all our leaders to support clean energy. This will be the largest regional mobilization against tar sands ever and an opportunity to strengthen our efforts to protect our water, climate, and communities!

Thank you for your organization's interest in partnering on this event. Please let us know how you can support the Tar Sands Resistance March by answering the following questions. We will get back to you with more information once we receive this form.
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Organization Name and State *
Name *
Phone *
Email *
How can you help us promote this event?
Would your organization like a place in the march? *
If you are marching, approximately how many people do you expect to march with your organization?
Would you like a table at the rally? *
The tabling fee is $50. We will provide your organization with one table and two chairs, but ask that you bring your own tent to provide shade.
My organization would like more information about how to contribute financial resources. *
My organization cannot make a financial contribution for the event, but can provide other resources.
We need sound systems, 2 stages, bullhorns, bike racks, printing services, and barricades. Please list any resources your organization can provide below.
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