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District Reporting: NY North Central District
This form is for the District Chairs to complete as a method to report their district's engagement in the NYS Elks Training Program. Please gather content from your lodges and compile it here for your district report.

Our goal is for 100% of our lodges in NYS to participate in the TRElks program that includes Leadership Training and Membership Education in Elkdom.

We do this as an Elks Training team.
If you have any questions please reach out:

Thank you to everyone for making this team a great one!

Charles A. Pemburn, PER
NYS Elks Training Chair

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Name *
Phone Number *
Number of Lodges in Your District *
Number of Lodges in your district that participated in the NY Leadership Training program?
Number of Officers that Completed the Leadership Training Program? *
Number of Exalted Rulers that Completed the Leadership Training in your district? *
Number of Leading Knights that completed the Leadership Training in your district? *
Number of Members (not officers) that completed the Leadership Training? *
Number of lodges that posted TRElks Fliers in their newsletters, social media or other means to communicate with their members? *
Please share what you have done to support the program this year. *
Please share ideas you have about the program that you think work and any ideas you think could improve it. We work best together with open ideas. *
What information do you think would be valuable to touch on for future Training Questions? *
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